Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A few of my favorite things.....

I spent Saturday with my co-worker Aly. After she dragged me to spin class, we headed to her house to make Valentines cookies for her boyfriend and my BFFs (if I don’t have a boyfriend I still might as well put my mad baking skills to use for someone else, right?!) Before we headed back to her place to let the baking commence, we stopped off at target for some supplies. Of course I can never go into Target without looking at the steals and deals they have in the clothing section and boy did Target IMPRESS. Ladies, get your butts over to Target now, I wanna see these fab finds in your fb pics:

A cute blue sundress just in time for this amazing weather!


hello floral romper, be my valentine?


This dress is so so cute in person. Pair it with strappy black sandals and its an easy summer outfit in one!

I have to show off my valentines cookies here too. A few baking fiascos, a fire alarm, and several hilarious hours later….the finished products don’t look too shabby.

Big heart cookies with homemade chocolate ganache icing… made with a little extra effort and a lot of TLC.

Hope everyone had a great vday filled with alllll their favorite things.



Friday, February 12, 2010

I've got the blues

Not the kraft macaroni and cheese blues, Not the emotional blues….but the blue jean kinda blues. Those who know me well, or have seen my closet, know I have an addiction to denim. Lately, I have been jonesing for some new jeans. But of course, being on a fast and all, I can’t buy any. While perusing the internet for a hot new style to buy, in a month or two, I’ve been noticing quite a few of these bad boys:

Is it true?! can it really be? Are jean jackets really back? And how was I unaware of the emerging trend for so long?

The last time I threw on my Gap denim jacket I was on my way out the door to go spend another san jose summer evening at the local starbucks surrounded by my fellow high school  seniors with nothing better to do. FLASHBACK.

Im indecisive about this new trend….but I can see the appeal in this denim vest:

Nothing says late 80’s/early 90’s like a denim jacket… but, then, what’s so bad about that?!



Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A "girly" girl's heaven

When I find something I like, I REALLY like it. Some people call it obsessive, I prefer the term passionate. Right now I am passionate about all things “Haute Hippie”. I can’t wait to shop again so I can get my hands on some of their delightful little pieces. All the frills, and ruffles, and girly pieces are killlllling me with cuteness.

Just take a look at these gems:


Of course the prices are killlllllling me too! But after "shopping" around on some other online shops it is easy to see that the girly look is in.... ruffles, lace, and chiffon... oh my!

Sometimes it really sucks. But MOST of the time, it is so so so fun being a girl!!!!!

Check out more Haute Hippie on shopbop.com : http://www.shopbop.com/haute-hippie/br/v=1/2534374302108433.htm



Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"In" or "Out"

Everyone knows that fashion trends come and go at lightning speed. Lately, I've become concerned that this whole 90 days fast is going to put me so out of date I'll start looking like an Amish woman living in the big city :( I mean, how long can plaid, leopard print flats, and leggings really stay in style?!

I know my fears probably aren’t realistic.... but then again, they rarely are. Today, I came across this list on Rachel Zoe's website of her top 20 wardrobe essentials for January.... Good news people…. According to this list I'm still "in" style, I own every single one of those items (except for the men’s watch but I’m sure I can find a guy to “borrow” one from). Go ahead and check out the list for yourself….

Are you “in” or “out” of style this winter?


Monday, February 1, 2010

Lost and found

I lose things all the time. Keys, clothes, shoes, socks, money, important documents, my temper. Things I LOVE. In fact, I was just looking through old pics and saw a pair of Gucci sunglasses I used to own that I lost at a wedding. I searched and searched for them calling everyone I knew who was there, checking all my bags, scouring fb to find them on a “friends” face…nothing. I searched for them (well a replacement pair) in stores…. Online….EVERYWHERE. But nobody had them. I wondered if it was because I had bought them on a trip to Italy and the style hadn’t debuted in America or if God was just saving my bank account from another blow. Well it’s been almost two years now and would you just look at what showed up on Bloomingdales.com (yes I still torture myself by perusing the site)…

They aren’t the same pretty shade of light purplish grey but if I’m not mistaken they are the same exact frames…

There’s this old quote I always hear that says, “if you love something let it go. If it comes back to you it’s yours. If it doesn’t, it never was”….

Was it tupac who said it?!

So now my question is…. Does that quote apply to material things? Because if so…. And they’re truly mine….does it count as cheating if I buy them?!

I’m just sayyyyyying…..

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Addicts Anonymous

Yesterday I got paid!!!

Payday is seriously one of the best days ever. It ranks right up there with Christmas and my birthday. It's like for one week (or day, at least) I don't have to worry about whether or not my landlord will cash rent checks, or some random check I wrote 2 months ago will be cashed by a friend, or a loan payment I forgot about goes through and sucks my bank account dry. Instead the fear is replaced with a false sense of security and euphoria and an intense urge to......ya, you guessed it......go SHOPPPPPPING.I experienced all those emotions yesterday. And I now understand why they always say the easiest way to get rid of one addiction is to replace it with another....

coffee.... check
spending an excessive amount of money grocery shopping...check check
drinking....check (jk i only had one glass of red)

But nothing could quite squash the urge.....

Anyone got any ideas for a productive addiction I could adopt (with a clear conscience)? I really need something to take the edge off and keep me away from the malls :)

PS...I haven't shopped in 26 days....booyah!



Thursday, January 21, 2010

When it rains….


It doesn’t happen often here in sunny San Diego but these last few days of constant downpour have left me wishing for sunshine and summer sun. I really can’t complain...this is the first real rain we have seen all winter and it’s the end of January! But still, I can’t ignore my desire for warmth. Since I can’t always get what I want (annoying, I know), and the sun is nowhere in sight (double annoying), I’ve had to settle for the cozy warm sweaters I have in my closet to keep me warm. Although they are few and far between (since they're often impractical for SD climate) I do have a few winners hanging in there. My favorite at the moment is this one my mom bought for me while I was home for Christmas (thanks mom; again):

This sweater is by far the most comfortable thing I own. And quite cute with some leggings and boots. It feels like I’m wearing a throw blanket (although I hope it doesn’t look like it). I would wear it every day if that were socially acceptable, unfortunately I think my coworkers and roommates would complain…

These sweaters put off the same “so-comfortable-its-like-wearing-a-blanket” vibe:

This one from Shopbop.com, in its wintery white glory, makes me think of snow covered peaks, a mountain-esque lodge, and hot toddies. It’s a tad (ok a lot) expensive but hey, who can put a price on comfort? I can’t!

This more reasonable priced sweater is found at nordstroms.com. My roomie, whitney, got it for Christmas and its completely accurate to say I am JEALOUS. I want it too!

Grab a cozy sweater, curl up on your couch (or in your office, cube, or wherever you may be) and stay dry during these next few rainy days. Although it’s raining and pouring outside, just remember….the calm comes after the storm (hopefully the sunshine will, too)!




boots (1) day one (1) skinny jeans (1)